Article 54 of Law Number 35 of 2009 on Narcotics mandates the government and society to provide medical and social rehabilitation services for narcotics abusers and addicts. The implementation of this article aims to mitigate the negative impact of narcotics abuse through a rehabilitation approach rather than criminal punishment. This research aims to examine the effectiveness of the application of Article 54 in providing rehabilitation services and the challenges faced in its implementation. Through analysis of data from literature sources, government reports, and case studies, it was found that despite progress in providing rehabilitation facilities, significant obstacles remain such as limited funding, a shortage of experts, and social stigma against narcotics users. This research suggests enhancing cooperation between the government, private institutions, and society in providing comprehensive and sustainable rehabilitation services, as well as expanding education programs and anti-stigma campaigns to support narcotics abusers and addicts in their recovery process.
Keywords: Rehabilitation, Narcotics, Law, Abusers, Addicts.
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