Joan Rossy Rumbiak, Vience Ratna Multiwijaya, Aprima Suar


Each sector has their regulations related to corporate criminal acts, and this research examines corporate criminal acts in the field of spatial planning. The main problem that is the main focus of this research is how corporate criminal acts are regulated in the field of spatial planning. This research uses normative research methods, namely research that uses secondary data as writing material, then analyzed descriptively. The results of this research show that because there is a lot of development being carried out in our country, Indonesia, a large number of investors are needed so this influences the fact that there is a spatial planning sector that needs to be considered in every space utilization activity carried out. This fact creates an urgency for every level of government, especially those with the authority to issue permits, to always have an understanding of spatial planning and be able to act decisively if they do not comply with spatial planning regulations and not force existing development.

Keywords: corporate crime, spatial planning crime, spatial planning;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33559/esr.v6i2.2409

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