Helfira Citra, Sry Wahyuni, Yulia Risa


Consumers often become parties who are positioned as the less powerful, where legal protection for them is so weak and not guaranteed as expected. Indonesia is a developing country that continues to carry out development in all fields, both in the material and spiritual fields, where the development is aimed at realizing the goal of building a just and prosperous society, one of the developments in the material field is to include facilities and infrastructure such as luxury housing developments, medium, even to housing for people (subsidized). Housing or settlements can create a conducive business climate to be able to open a comfortable settlement. The business offer of a house by the developer is sometimes so diverse that the understanding it conveys is not appropriate or not understood (missunderstanding information), meanwhile the prospective buyer sometimes has agreed to even sign his agreement on the binding purchase agreement (PPJB) with the developer so that it has sometimes even arrived at contract stage at a banking institution. This fact further strengthens the high need for housing, even though the realization of the desire to own a residence does not mean that it will always run smoothly.

Teks Lengkap:



A. Peraturan perundang-undangan

Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata

Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Dagang

B. Buku :

Triyuly, W., Studi, P., Arsitektur, T., Teknik, F., Sriwijaya, U., Mewah, R., … Perumahan, P. (2013). Identifikasi Pembangunan Type Rumah. Rekayasa Sriwijaya, 22(1), 1–7

Bank, A., Konsumen, D. D. A. N., Pt, D. I., Niaga, B., Cabang, T., Semarang, A. Y., … Semarang, A. Y. (2006). Perjanjian Pengadaan Perumahan Antara Bank ,Developer dan konsumen. p. 1–82.

Nico Pratama, A. I. K. P. N. S. (2015). Hukum Kontrak Dalam Perspektif Komparatif (Menyorot Perjanjian Bernama Dengan Perjanjian Tidak Bernama). Serambi Hukum, 8(02), 138–151.

Perumahan, K., & Permukiman, D. A. N. (2007). Kebijakan Perumahan Dan Permukiman Bagi Masyarakat Urban. Dinamika, 16(1).

Satria;, M. R., & Setiani, T. (2018). Analisis Perbandingan Pemberian Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR) Pada Bank Konvensional Dengan PEMBIAYAAN Murabahah (KPR) Pada Bank Syariah (Studi Kasus Pada Bank BJB dengan Bank BJB Syariah). Amwaluna. Bank, A., Konsumen, D. D. A. N., Pt, D. I., Niaga, B., Cabang, T., Semarang, A. Y., … Semarang, A. Y. (2006). Perjanjian Pengadaan Perumahan Antara Bank ,Developer dan konsumen. p. 1–82.

Jurnal :

Handayani Hutapea dan Ir.Djoko Suwandono, M. (2014). New Housing Development Planning and Land Acquisition Strategy for Low-Income. Jurnal Ruang, 2(4), 371–380.

Lestari, D. S. S. . D. (2017). ISSN : 2301 – 668X Perkembangan Perumahan dan Permukiman Sebagai Penentu Arah dan Bentuk Kebutuhan Permukiman di Pinggiran Kota Dwi Suci Sri Lestari 1 , Djumiko 2. E-Jurnal Teknik Sipil Dan Rsitektur Fakultas Teknik UTP Surakarta, p. 25

Nico Pratama, A. I. K. P. N. S. (2015). Hukum Kontrak Dalam Perspektif Komparatif (Menyorot Perjanjian Bernama Dengan Perjanjian Tidak Bernama). Serambi Hukum, 8(02), 138–151.


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