Wira Ekdeni Aifa, Fajar Sari Tanberika, Silvia Nova


According to Traditional Medicine Industry (IOT) and (IKOT) Small Traditional Medicines Industry, only 10% out of 4.l87 people consume turmeric to reduce menstrual pain. Doing yoga during dysmenorrhea can reduce the pain of dysmenorrhea. The type of this study was Quasi Experimental design research with Randomized pretest and posttest design. The population was all of STIKes dormitory Al Insyirah students, which amounts to 112 people with a sample size of 60 people divided into 4 groups. Research instrument employed in this study were checklists, measuring cups, and pain scale. This study was conducted to determine the effect of treatment in the control group and experimental group using the Dependent T-test because the data was not in normal distribution. Therefore, for the analysis of paired test, Wilcoxon test was used to compare the results of both employing Man Withney test as an alternative test for data which was not in normal distribution < α 0.05. The experimental yoga group of dysmenorrhea posttest was much less painful than posttest control. 0.000 (p <0.05), the experimental group posttest of turmeric treatment experienced more pain relief than posttest control. 0.000 (p < 0,05), it could be concluded that there was difference between posttest experiment and posttest control group of turmeric treatment and Dysmenorhea Yoga had influences in overcoming dysmenorrhea of female respondents in STIKes Al Insyirah.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33559/eoj.v5i2.1464


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