Besides, the grain gradation of the aggregate has been determined in order to obtain an increase in the compressive strength of the concrete with the addition of surian sawdust. The quality of the concrete that will be examined by the author in this final project is fc = 14.5 MPa. In other words, in this study the author tries to compare the compressive strength of concrete between normal concrete and concrete mixed with surian wood powder.
In this study also used a variation of surian sawdust substitution with a ratio of 0%, 2%, 3% and 5% to the volume of fine aggregate. For each variation, 3 samples were used which included normal concrete so that a total of 24 test objects used were tested at 7 days, 14 days and 28 days of concrete.
From the results of testing the compressive strength of concrete against normal concrete and mixed concrete with sawdust surian at the age of 28 days, the normal concrete compressive strength is 14.5 MPa, while in the sawdust mixture with a percentage of 2%, the concrete compressive strength is 14.14 MPa, the mixture 3% obtained a compressive strength of 12.88 MPa and a mixture of 5% obtained a concrete compressive strength of 12.03 MPa. From this test, it can be concluded that from each of the percentages made decreased compressive strength along with the percentage of the amount of surian sawdust added to the concrete mixture. In other words, the greater the percentage of surian sawdust used, the compressive strength and quality of the resulting concrete will decrease.
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